Advancing Public Sector Communicators

CAPIO 2024 Conference Recap

Photo by Brant Bender

Last week, I attended one day of the California Association of Public Information Officials (CAPIO) conference for the first time. The goal was to network with California’s most dedicated public communicators. I often get a little nervous networking with large groups, but who doesn’t? 

The morning opened up with the keynote speaker, Matt Abrahams, an incredible public speaker and author. He provided many resources to help shift your mindset about communicating and public speaking. He even made us do a few icebreakers that tested our ability to become better listeners and reduce social anxiety.

One thing that stood out to me was his analysis of communications professionals. He explained that we are often too passionate and know too much; we assume and overuse industry jargon. His feedback was to inject more empathy and curiosity into our conversations with stakeholders or clients to understand better what is needed. 

The standout breakout session was by the Mojave Water Agency’s Public Information Officer, Charlene Engeron. She put together an outstanding communications plan that clearly outlined a comprehensive methodology.

Mojave Water Agency Communications Methodology (Aces in Their Places)

  • Audience

  • Core Message

  • Effective tools, tactics & deliverables

  • Strategic Communication 

Four Pillars of Success

  • 🎯 Marketing

  • 🤝 Public Outreach

  • 🌱 Conservation Awareness

  • 📢 Crisis Communications

Overall, I had a great time meeting some talented communications professionals who are passionate about working in the public sector. I gained much insight into some of the issues they face and understand better how to help them and the communities they serve. 

If you’re interested to learn more about the organization, visit



or to participate.